I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?
The answer is A pencil lead/graphite
What has keys but can't open locks?
The answer is A piano
I am a word of letters three, add two, and fewer there will be. What am I?
The answer is Few
I am not alive, but I can grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?
The answer is Fire
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
The answer is Footsteps
I am a word of letters three, add two, and fewer there will be. What am I?
The answer is The word "few"
I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?
The answer is An echo
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?
The answer is All the people were married, so there isn't a single person on the boat.
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The answer is The letter "M"
I have keys but can't open locks. I have space but no room. What am I?
The answer is A computer keyboard